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Mechanical Engineering Collection Free Download ebooks Part 41-50

Mechanical Wear Prediction and Prevention
This comprehensive reference details a practical methodology to determine the design parameters and materials necessary to obtain desired wear performances–stressing the idea of mechanical wear as a system property, and not merely a material property, throughout. Describes the selection and development of quantitative engineering models for sliding, rolling, impact, abrasive, and erosive situations–presenting tables of wear coefficients to use with these models in analyzing various wear designs. Emphasizing general concepts rather than the specifics associated with individual materials and wear conditions,Mechanical Wear Prediction and Prevention examines engineering wear and wear rate relationships integrates wear behavior with other elements of design.

Mechanical Wear Fundamentals and Testing 2nd Edition, Revised and Expanded
This Second Edition compiles an extensive range of graphs, tables, micrograph, and drawings to illustrate wear, friction, and lubrication behavior in modern engineering applications.

Marks' Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers 10th Edition

Practical Stress Analysis in Engineering Design, Third Edition
This third edition provides coverage of new topics including contact stress analysis, singularity functions, gear stresses, fasteners, shafts, and shaft stresses. It introduces finite element methods as well as boundary element methods and also features worked examples, problems, and a section on the finite difference method and applications. This text is suitable for undergraduate and graduate students in mechanical, civil, and aerospace engineering.

Advances in Mechanical Ventilation 0.31 MB

Mechanical Engineers Reference Book
Many subjects covered are tribology, nuclear and offshore engineering, health and safety and the many applications of computers in engineering. The wide range of subjects covered, the concise but readable style, the large number of illustrations and the extensive reference lists make this book one of the most valuable volumes available on mechanical engineering and industry have contributed sections on their areas of expertise to provide one of the most comprehensive sources of information for engineers.

FAG Bearings 17.27 MB

Fundamentals of Solid State Engineering
Solid State Engineering, combining concepts from physics, chemistry, electrical engineering, materials science and mechanical engineering. Basic physics concepts are introduced, followed by a thorough treatment of the technology for solid state engineering. Topics include compound semiconductor bulk and epitaxial thin films growth techniques, current semiconductor device processing and nano-fabrication technologies.

Mechanical Engineering Vehicle Design 0.34 MB

Digital Transmission Engineering, 2nd Edition
This Second Edition presents enhanced explanations of key ideas as well as additional examples and problems. It also provides greatly expanded coverage of wireless communication, which has seen exponential growth since the release of the first edition. Mechanical Engineering or Computer Science. Equal emphasis is given to underlying mathematical theory and engineering practice.


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